Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Daughter

I'm sure I had a daughter in my past.

I can feel her presence, sometimes.
When I think of baby things, I know it's her things I think of.
When people talk about the joys of having a daughter- I know,
because I had you.

I can't help but think of your beautiful long hair,
each strand perfect,
and your cheeks soft and chubby.
Sleeping in my arms, you had candy dreams.

And I remember your first brave smile as you smiled up at me,
as you stepped into school alone.
I remember that sweet touch that handed me a share of candy.
I remember a sweet little girl, twirling around in her long, thick, golden embroidered skirt, trying to look grown up.

I was just mesmerized the way you put on your make-up as you got ready to go out with your friends.
You waved me goodbye as I watched you drive out.

And I remember the wet napkin as I wiped away your tears and your cold.

And tea.
I feel we have a bond like no other.

The way your eyes would plead me for an extra book, an extra hair-clip, an extra sticker sheet.

I remember your wedding day.
You were marring the man of your dreams,
I couldn't believe my daughter was going to be someone's wife.
And I was hoping for her own baby girl.
Those beautiful gold and diamond necklaces your wore,
the lace and embroidery on your bridal-ware...
It was fascinating.

if I meet you in the street now,
I know I will recognize you.
Will you remember me?


krunal varshikar said...

Hey that was really cute! the poem forms a bridge between past and the present. Its like your reflections from past finally coming alive and reaching your present! The tiny little girl appears exactly the way you might have been in ur childhood. Sands of time are often weird, for they hide that cute girl somewhere and then all we can hear is her gaa-gaa guu-guu and giggles! we so want to meet that tiny kid we were once, we want to feed him a million chocolates and a trillion cheese cakes, pamper the kid till he falls asleep. amazing work!

Namrata Kale said...

EHE! I know! I feel this in away..this poem is a relfection of the maternal instinct most women have and I feel a giant connection to them as I watch myself having the capability of creating another life..and understanding the responsibility it brings. Yet with this poem I realized, as you said, that I was and am perhaps that girl that I am looking at! ^_^
Thanks again for the brilliant review!!