Friday, August 5, 2011

Burnt Butterfly

I love you so but I pretend.
It's easier to burn the butterfly
then let it soar to the dark grey sky.

A dark grey city leaves me tearless.

Upon the drops of rain,
I look through the windshield and wonder
if it could be let in?
The patter of feet on the long hallway
answered my heartbeats.

And and she said I had nothing to worry about.How could I not?
How could I look into your face and say
what I want?

Better to just burn the butterfly and
in its turbulent beauty let the
ashes out into the wind.
Sealed lips,
are lips bulging with unsaid thought.
I long to drink something
to swallow down the urge to fight myself and just speak out.

I would drink you down in a long,
breathless shot.
You would.....sip on the tea.

"Sorry," is the last words you said to me as you turned away.

Am I not losing myself a little more everyday?

I can try and try to shake it off,
but the sight of this wooden cross
you hacked out of my bones
is a stake thro the heart.

Like purging me of plain desire
None the less wiser
I will lie in another's arms.

With the drink in my nose,
a scented candle lit by the window.


krunal varshikar said...

"Burnt Butterfly", thats an amazing metaphor! For those are the remains of tormented emotions and passions which were once deeply cherished by our subconscious. Yet thrs always a day when these butterflies need to be burnt, for they become an epitome of our past and hurt our present! U r one hell of a writer, thrs always a lot to learn from you nana chyan. N the fact that I appreciate about you is that at such a small age you can think soo many things. When I was of your age, all I cared about was my favorite food joint. But you are way out of the league of lesser mortals! You were born to write, you were born to be creative and you were born to feel the intensity of unnoticed emotions. such is your worth, such is the worth of a great friend who is pure at heart and reflects this purity in her poetry. Be it japan or India, people like you are rare, just keep up the good work Nana San, U Rule! and yeah, lastly, I liked the power and strong punch packed in this poem which makes it a piece of art worth a zillion sunrises. I often believed that I could somehow mathematically define societies emotions, but then again, I believe I am wrong as hell! For thr are infinitely creative people like you who cant be monetized, rationalized and quantified. You are an awesome poem! May you get to eat a thousand chocolates, n may that daughter of you (from ur past poem) gift u a pair of bumper stickers on your birthday! U rule!

Namrata Kale said...

ARIGATOU!!! ^_^ This poem has gone beyond my level! ^_^ I am so happy to hear you gigantic praise! You're so generous with it :D (art worth a zillion should use that in a poem more than in the comments section ;) :D ) Once again, I have to say I got myself re-figured but now, if not before, I feel a power in me that stirs up my emotions. It's there and waiting that I reach new points to create new let's see where that leads me!

NT said...

OMG,so DARK-Burnt Butterfly!!...You really are quite the goth princess,arent you,Nee-chan? >_<...such awesomely vivid pictures this painted in front of my eyes! >_< coolness!keep rocking!

NT said...
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Namrata Kale said...

Thanks Leigh! Your comment means super lots!! For one who writes visual lauded me!! ^_^ SO HAPPY! =^-^= ARIGATOU!!!<3