Saturday, August 27, 2011

An old poem

My hair tangles and forms an
unspoken link
between us.

Our hands intertwined,
much passes between us.
Cheek on cheek, we communicate
more than anyone allowed us.

Our parted lips connected,
for less than a minute
A memory formed forever in our hearts
too pure a feeling for the
animal, minimal form.

A clear glint of happiness in your irises
pale from the passing light.
Hold me up high,
a new melody teach me
I ache for this feeling,
to feel renewed.

(note: this poem was written 2 years ago, just didn't post it here.)


krunal varshikar said...

"Our parted lips connected,
for less than a minute "
wow , these lines are nice!
great to see the 2 year younger Namrata San!
this one is like those poems of arabian romantic writers. I liked the last verse too. It reminded me of so many incidences and memories! great work Cleo Chyan!

Namrata Kale said...

Hai arigatou!! ^_^ yea this poem actually reminded me of stuff too..but not really a reflective poem. I have to say this poem is about ...Foresight? Thanks for your genuine support!